
Cool Season Plantain

  • Yields significantly more through autumn, winter and early spring
  • High summer yield provides additional protein and feed quality over the warmer months
  • Plantain is easily digestible, improving stock appetite
  • Distinctive narrow-leaved plant with upright growth habit for increased utilisation
  • Suited to both sheep and beef and dairy systems
  • Good compatibility with ryegrass and clover

We’ve called Captain a ‘cool season plantain (CSP)’ due to its extra growth in this period. This is the most valuable feed in farm systems, with environmental advantages too.


Outstanding cool season production

Captain CSP yields significantly more through autumn, winter and early spring as in the graph below. Plantains vary hugely in winter growth, as shown in the photo.



Reduced N Leaching

Initial investigations indicate that plantain can mitigate N leaching via a number of mechanisms, including direct activities on soil N mineralisation and direct uptake of N through growth. 
The greater cool season activity of Captain CSP will enhance both of these mechanisms when it is most needed, as N leaching mainly happens when soils are wet through the late autumn, winter and early spring.


Captain CSP (centre) showing its significant cool season yield advantage over other cultivars on 30 July at Courtenay 190m ASL.


High total DM yield

Captain CSP also produces strongly across the other seasons too. Its’ high summer yield provides additional protein and feed quality over the warmer months, particularly in summer dry areas.


Animal performance

Plantain is easily digestible, improving stock appetite especially over dry summer months when grasses are of lower feed quality. It is also higher in essential minerals like P, K, S, Ca, Mg, Na, Zn, Cu, B and Co than ryegrass/clover pastures.

Plant type

Captain CSP is a distinctive narrow-leaved plant with upright growth habit for high utilisation. It has a deep, coarse root system, and good compatibility with other species. It has good persistence, and can last three years under good management.

Dairy systems

Captain CSP can be used as a summer crop, or sown as part of a pasture mix at 2-4kg/ha to increase summer feed quality in dryland situations. Captain can also be used as part of a specialist high-yielding, quality 2-3 year pasture, with Shogun NEA hybrid ryegrass and Kotuku white clover.



Plantain is a mineral rich perennial grazing herb that is high in protein (up to 23 %). It is fast-establishing and will be productive and persistent over a wide range of soils and climatic conditions because of its tap root and fibrous root system.

Plantain is a mineral rich perennial grazing herb that is high in protein (up to 23 %). It is fast-establishing and will be productive and persistent over a wide range of soils and climatic conditions because of its tap root and fibrous root system.

Plantain is a mineral rich perennial grazing herb that is high in protein (up to 23 %). It is fast-establishing and will be productive and persistent over a wide range of soils and climatic conditions because of its tap root and fibrous root system.