Barvicos - Common vetch

Quick soil coverage and high production

  • Common Vetch 
  •  Quick coverage of soil
  •  Highly productive and protein rich forage variety 
  • Can be sown both in spring as in fall

  • This vetch can be sown either as monoculture or as part of mixtures with other species, such as clovers and/or annual grasses

  • Good resistance to colder temperatures

  • Good resistance against diseases

Barvicos can be sown both in spring as in fall. This vetch can be sown either as monoculture or as part of mixtures with other species, such as clovers and/or annual grasses. Barvicos has good resistance to colder temperatures. It can achieve high crop yields on irrigated land and soils that have sufficient humidity by itself. Barvicos has good resistance against diseases.Barvicos can be used both as a cutting or as an annual crop. 



Annual production: 15,000 kg / ha DM

PB: 20-22% (beginning of grain)

UFL: 0.86 g / kg DM DGS: 70% of MS


Recommendations for sowing:

Optimum depth: 2- 3 cm.

Date: from September to November or from February to April.


Research results have been obtained in our experimental fields in optimal growing conditions. These data may vary depending on the climate, place and manner of operation.


Common vetch

Vetch can be used for green manuring and for annual protein-rich forage production. It provides good soil structure and weed control due to its rapid germination and development. Vetch can be grown on all soil types but requires a moderate pH-value on sandy soils.

Vetch can be used for green manuring and for annual protein-rich forage production. It provides good soil structure and weed control due to its rapid germination and development. Vetch can be grown on all soil types but requires a moderate pH-value on sandy soils.

Vetch can be used for green manuring and for annual protein-rich forage production. It provides good soil structure and weed control due to its rapid germination and development. Vetch can be grown on all soil types but requires a moderate pH-value on sandy soils.

Where to buy
our grass seeds
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